UPSC is the full name of the Union Public Service Commission. This commission is responsible for recruiting civil service officers and Level A and B employees. The commission also formulates the rules and regulations for different examinations. The full form of UPSC is Interested in applying for UPSC? Here is the full form of UPSC in English and Hindi. Let’s take a look. Listed below are the main functions of UPSC.
The UPSC is an abbreviation for the Union Public Service Commission, a central agency that conducts civil service exams for various govt. jobs. Among these jobs, IAS/IPS are at the top of the list. However, this is not the only job UPSC offers. There are other opportunities that the UPSC may not be able to fill. To find out which job opportunities are open to you, read the full description of each one.
Once you complete the UPSC full form in English, you can proceed to the Mains exam. The Mains exam consists of nine papers, of which two are qualifying in nature. You need to score at least 25% in every paper to pass. If you pass both exams, you’ll be in the final stages. If you’re looking to enter the IAS ranks, you can choose to take the exam in English or Hindi. The mains exam is held over five to seven days. The exam lasts for three hours and includes a linguistic component.
The Union Public Service Commission’s official website offers all the information you need to apply for an exam. You can also get the official contact number for UPSC and a complete list of all its chairman and members. The chairperson of the Commission is Prof. (Dr.) Pradeep Kumar Joshi. Learn about UPSC’s full meaning in Punjabi or Marathi. You can also search for the UPSC full form in Telugu or Marathi.
UPSC is the full form of the Union Public Service Commission. Its name was changed from the Indian Police Service in 1948 to the Union Public Service Commission. The official full name of UPSC is upsc. Its name in English is “Union Public Service Commission.”
If you are planning to apply for UPSC, it is important to remember that you will have to complete your Graduates. Only graduates can apply for government jobs. Therefore, it is crucial to complete your Bachelor’s degree to qualify for the UPSC recruitment exam. The age limit for these examinations is 18 years for OBC applicants and 3 years for general candidates. If you don’t qualify for an exam, you can still apply online.
The union public service commission has many responsibilities, including recruiting for All India services. The commission advises the government on matters related to recruitment, promotion, and transfer. Its administrative secretariat is located in New Delhi. The commission is an independent constitutional body, which is run through an administrative secretariat. There are two exams for UPSC candidates, namely the prelims and the mains. Those who pass the mains will receive an invitation for the interview.